{Dec 2024}
Dr. Ahmed gave a tutorial talk at ICECE 2024 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
{Sep 2024}
Pulok's first conference paper got accepted in IEEE MILCOM 2024 conference
{Aug 2024}
{GRANTS} Dr. Fadel Lashhab (PI) and Dr. Ahmed (co-PI) received a DoD equipment grant ($642,399).
Pulok visited Dr. Ahmed's research collaborator, Dr. Andreas Molisch's lab in University of Southern California.
A paper got accepted in IEEE CIoT 2024
{Jul 2024}
Two papers got accepted in IEEE VTC Fall 2024
{Jun 2024}
Haider presented two ICC workshop papers in Denver, CO.
{May 2024}
Dr. Ahmed attended CISE-MSI PI conference in Denver, CO.
Haider started his internship at DeepSig Inc.
{Jan 2024}
{GRANTS} Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Rubaai received a DoD grant (contract) from RITA UARC ($248K per year)
Dr. Ahmed became IEEE Senior Member
Wireless Communications Systems (WiCS) and Motion Control and Drives (MCD) labs in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at Howard University, Washington, DC, USA are actively looking for a postdoctoral fellow/research scientist to work. Someone with a Ph.D. in wireless communications is encouraged to send his/her resume to me ( and Prof. Ahmed Rubaai ( The ideal candidate should have a strong background in wireless communications, signal processing, artificial intelligence, and computer programming. The potential research topic will be artificial intelligence-driven communications systems design for next-generation wireless communication systems.
Several conference papers in IEEE CCNC, IEEE ICNC, IEEE SouthEastCon got accepted
A research collaboration with a number of scholars resulted in an IEEE IoT Journal paper "A RIS Empowered THz-UWO Relay System for Air-to-Underwater Mixed Network: Performance Analysis With Pointing Errors"
{Dec 2023}
Dr. Ahmed gave a tutorial in IEEE ICTP 2023 conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh
A research collaboration with Tasnim and Dr. Lashhab resulted in a journal article on optimization of UAV deployment
A research collaboration with Dr. Chakravarty resulted in an article in 5G-Based Smart Hospitals and Healthcare Systems journal
{Nov 2023}
Haider's first IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology paper is accepted. Congratulations. We leveraged generative AI for channel estimation in IRS-aided communication systems.
A research collaboration with Dr. Cong Pu resulted in an IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology paper.
Dr. Ahmed attended the IEEE LATINCOM 2023 conference in Panama City, Panama.
{Sep 2023}
Congratulations, Haider, on winning the NSF Student Travel Grant award for the ACM MobiHoc 2023 conference.
Tasnim Nishat Islam started her PhD journey at Howard. Tasnim's main advisor is Dr. Rubaai and her research advisor is Dr. Ahmed. Welcome Tasnim!
{Aug 2023}
Jasni and Bella joined WiCS group. Jasni will be co-advised by Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Rubaai. Bella will be co-advised by Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Rawat. Welcome Jasni and Bella!
{GRANTS} Dr. Ahmed received the supplemental grant for the NSF INTERN program. Haider will start collaborating with a company in DMV area.
{May 2023}
Dr. Ahmed is looking for a postdoctoral fellow/research scientist to work in my research group at Howard University. The candidate must be either US citizen or US permanent resident. Someone with a PhD in wireless communications (focusing on cellular communications) is encouraged to send his/her resume to The ideal candidate should have a strong background in wireless communications, signal processing, artificial intelligence, and computer programming. The potential research topic will be artificial intelligence driven baseband systems design for next generation wireless communication systems.
An IEEE Photonics Journal paper entitled "Effects of Eavesdropper on the Performance of Mixed $\eta-\mu$ and DGG Cooperative Relaying System" has been accepted for publication.
Our work on data driven channel estimation for cell-free systems entitled as "Deep Learning Assisted Channel Estimation for Cell-Free Distributed MIMO Networks" has been accepted for presentation in WiMob 2023 (Montreal, QC, Canada)
{April 2023}
An IEEE Access paper entitled "Artificial Intelligence for sEMG-based Muscular Movement Recognition for Hand Prosthesis" has been accepted for publication.
{March 2023}
An IEEE Photonics Journal paper entitled "On Effective Secrecy Throughput of Underlay Spectrum Sharing $\alpha-\mu$/ M\'alaga Hybrid Model under Interference-and-Transmit Power Constraints" has been accepted for publication.
{January 2023}
Dr. Ahmed has started advising Pulok, first-year PhD student. Pulok will be jointly supervised by Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Rawat. Welcome, Pulok!
Actively contributed in Howard's tremendous achievement in obtaining University Affiliated Research Center ($90 million DoD research contract) from DoD: News
{September 2022}
Dr. Ahmed has started advising Peter, first-year PhD student. Peter will be jointly supervised by Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Rawat. Welcome, Peter !
Dr. Ahmed has started advising Abigail, first-year PhD student. Abigail will be jointly supervised by Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Rawat. Welcome, Abigail !
{For Howard Students Only..} Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed is looking for 2 undergraduate students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Howard to work (paid) during Fall 2022 and possibly in Spring 2023 on ‘Prototype Development for Cell-Free Massive MIMO’. Students will work on the development of defined radio (SDR) based wireless communications testbed. Students with a strong background in computer programming (C/C++, Python) and simulations (MATLAB or Python) and basic knowledge of Computer Networks are encouraged to contact Dr. Ahmed ( ).
{GRANTS} Dr. Ahmed (PI) and Dr. Su Yan (Co-PI) received an NSF Excellence-in-Research award ($423,293) to investigate "Artificial Intelligence Aided Metasurface Design and Application in Next Generation of Cellular Communication Systems". NSF Announcement . Dr. Yan is a pioneer in electromagnetic fields and leads the fundamental research on computational electromagnetics and multiphysics at Howard.
{GRANTS} Dr. Ahmed received a DoD fund from Army Research Lab as a single PI to develop AI driven robust and resilient protocols that will operate in challenging and contested environment on THz band.
{August 2022}
{GRANTS} AT&T Corporation, being the lead PI along with multiple co-PIs, has won ($750,000) NSF Convergence Accelerator: Track G award (Phase 1). Dr. Ahmed is one of the co-PIs in the award. Announcement
{GRANTS} Dr. Ahmed received an NSF grant ($394,730, Howard portion: $237,298) as a lead PI in a collaborative effort with the eminent scholar Dr. Kamrul Hasan from Tennessee State University (TSU). WiCS lab will work on the development of AI-driven cell-free massive MIMO systems. Announcement: NSF-Announcement
{For Howard Students Only..} Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed is looking for 2 undergraduate students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Howard to work (paid) during Fall 2022 and possibly in Spring 2023 on 'Wireless Channel Modeling for Tera-hertz-band Communications'. Students will work on the development of the channel model using Ray tracing tool and participate in developing software defined radio (SDR) based wireless communications testbed. Students with strong background in computer programming (C/C++, Python) and simulations (MATLAB or Python) and basic knowledge on Electromagnetic fields and Computer Networks are encouraged to contact Dr. Ahmed (
Haider successfully completed his internship in FDA 5G lab and returns back to WiCS lab at Howard. His outstanding work during his internship on 5G medical extended reality has been published in FDA's annual scientific research day, FDA Scientific Research Day (page 109, Research Abstract 14). Good job, Haider.
I have been actively looking for self-motivated and talented multiple Ph.D. students to join my group at Howard University from Spring 2023. Feel free to reach out to me at with your CV. Students with a strong background of wireless communications, signal processing, artificial intelligence, and computer programming are encouraged to apply to our graduate program. Potential research topic will be artificial intelligence driven baseband systems design for next generation wireless communication systems with THz-band, intelligent reflecting surface, cell-free massive MIMO. Visit: to learn more about my research.
{GRANTS} Dr. Ahmed received an NSF grant ($299,077) as a sole PI. WiCS team will work on developing AI-driven solutions for next-generation THz-band communication systems. Announcement: NSF-Announcement
{July 2022}
A successful collaboration with a number of scholars from IIIT Guwahati and California State University Northridge resulted in an IEEE Access paper on performance analysis and optimization of hybrid FSO/RF for high altitude platform station (HAPS). Early Access
{June 2022}
A successful collaboration with a number of scholars resulted in a conference paper in IEEE TSP 2022
{May 2022}
Congratulations, Haider for the acceptance of a conference paper in IEEE ICUFN 2022
I have been actively looking for self-motivated and talented Ph.D. students to join my group at Howard University from Fall 2022 / Spring 2023. Feel free to reach out to me at or with your CV. Student with a strong background of wireless communications, control theory, signal processing, artificial intelligence, and computer programming are encouraged to apply to our graduate program. Hands-on experience in prototype development will be an asset. Potential research topic will be UAV assisted network design and prototype development in lab environment for next generation wireless communication systems. This position will be jointly supervised by me and another faculty at Howard.
A successful collaboration with eminent scholar Dr. Cong Pu resulted in an IEEE Journal of Internet of Things paper
Congratulations to Haider for accepting the summer (2022) internship offer in the 5G lab at FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), Maryland, USA
{Apr 2022}
Congratulations to Haider for receiving the prestigious Just Jullian Fellowship for the academic year of 2022-23. Link:
A new VIP team is formed with the goal of building a testbed for SDR-driven cell-free communication systems supporting ground and aerial communication nodes.
A successful collaboration with eminent scholar Dr. Kamrul Hasan from TSU resulted in an IEEE ICCCN conference paper. Thank you, Dr. Hasan, for the collaboration.
{Mar 2022} Two journal papers and one conference paper got accepted
A successful collaboration with eminent scholar Dr. Cong Pu resulted in an IEEE Journal of Internet of Things paper and IEEE MDM conference paper (acceptation rate is 26%)
A successful collaboration with Dr. Sabuj resulted in a journal paper on THz-band communications
{Dec 2021} Two papers got accepted..
The paper entitled as "Dynamic Resource Allocation for IRS Assisted Energy Harvesting Systems with Statistical Delay Constraint" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
The paper entitled as "SPA: Stochastic Packet Forwarding Algorithm in Flying Ad Hoc Networks" has been accepted in IEEE Access.
It took me more than 6 months to develop the testbed for UAV-assisted communication network (FANET). My ex-student Evan did a tremendous job in the lab.
{Nov 2021}
I gave a talk at the IEEE Denver Section on "AI-Aided Design for Next Generation of Wireless Communication Systems".
I gave a talk at our Department Graduate Seminar on "Tips and Tricks for Doing Research, Part 1: Synthesizing Literature".
Slides: Download Slides, Video: Watch Here
{Nov 2021} A VIP project has been started with CapitalOne.
{Aug 2021} Haider joined as a graduate student (PhD program) in my group. Welcome, Haider!
{Mar 2021} Received "Excellent Paper Award" in IEEE ICAIIC 2021 for "Joint Demodulation and Decoding with Multi-Label Classification Using Deep Neural Networks".
{Jan 2021} Dr. Ahmed joined as a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Howard University.